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on the perils of coding a website without knowing how to code:

this is being written on the second day of this website, and as you might see it still looks quite primitive. as it is said on the main page, i do not know how to code (to be honest, i doubt that i'll ever learn properly). as such, i'm having quite a hard time figuring out some things that i were expecting to be easy (turns out coding might have more to it than i expected), here are some things that i have failed to make on the last 2 days

1) there is currently about 6 lines of code between style and main page that i just can't make work; i literally pasted them as they were given to me but somehow it just resists to work, whenever it works (hopefully, no later than tomorrow) it will show a few thoughts of mine posted on status.cafe, nothing too big but also it annoys me that it is taking up space for nothing (for now)

2) i want to make menus but, how? i haven't figured it out. it should be easy, since like 99% of personal sites have menus, and i guess most people do not know how to code well? i hope? if they do well, i'm fucked, but hey, at least i can write stuff and publish it somewhere that isn't social media! (will someone read this someday? personal sites are a dying art, so maybe not)

3) on the topic of ''wanting to make something but not being able to'': i want to make a little guestbook and a visitors count; highly tempting to just steal someone's else code, but i want to figure this out for myself! (also, comment boxes for the blogs and the stories would be nice)

4) i still have digitalized zero (0) of my stories; i want to choose stories that are *good* but i also want to save some for myself for like a contest or something, so i'm having a hard time choosing which ones to publish and which ones to save

that's all for today. the site got 50 visits on the last day which is very nice, specially when i consider that only 2 friends of mine know about this (i hope). anyways, catch y'all soon (hopefully someone reads this)!


PD: this is literally all written in HTML, is there an easier way to do this? if so, write me somewhere, somehow.