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my classes are over! i finished them last friday, finally. this has felt like the longest lective year i've had; weirdly, it was the shortest calendar-wise.
for context: in uruguay we have this system where we choose some subjects grouped by theme: science, humanities, arts and biology. i chose science and boy was it a wrong choice. probably my worst academical performance ever (i still passed the year, but i failed 3 subjects (physics, maths I and maths II, a new record for me). thankfully, next year i can pick another group of subjects, i'm probably picking economics, which is more humanities based but also compatible with what i had this year in science (if i suffered so much, you bet i will make it worth it)
next year will be my last in high school, i think i liked it overall, could've been way worse. i'm already trying to figure out what i'll do in university: teaching literature seems like a good choice, but i'd also like to study journalism. if this site is still running in a year (hopefully it will), you'll be the first to know (well, probably the third, after my girlfriend and my mother.)