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small update (still alive!)

so, i haven't updated the site for the last three weeks and i wanted to tell anyone who might care why that was

i've been in the middle of a very long move which meant that i hadn't got any internet available to update the site (in fact, i still don't, i'm using phone data)

idk exactly when i will go back to regularly updating the site, probably in a month or two when i get an actual internet connection. in the meanwhile, hope you don't mind waiting (i know you don't)

i was really excited to edit the website; in fact, before moving, i was in the middle of doing a page with a few of my personal projects to share with the world; the personal projects in question kept growing in number, while the website froze

anyway, i just wanted to confirm that the site is still alive and going and that sometime soon i should get back to regularly posting stuff here (as in, once a few months like i did before, now that i think about it, three weeks is around normal for me to edit the site, whatever!)

see you around, pon.