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happy new year!

it's over

on what was possibly the most boring year i've ever lived, we finally arrived to the end of 2024

looking back, not a lot can be said about the events that happened on this year, at least for me, i made the website, i bought a shitton of books dirt-cheap, and not much else. i know this year has generally been shitty for a lot of people, but for me it was just alright, nothing specially bad or good happened, although the first few months were specially rough.

of course, nothing will magically change when the clock strikes midnight, i'll still have my friends, i'll still live in the same house, i'll still have a girlfriend, i'll still listen to the same music, etc. however, sometimes its nice to pretend everything becomes better at the end of what basically is a random day.

i wish the best for anyone that might be reading this for the upcoming year, and i hope that 2025 will be a specially good year for everyone around the world, even with the problems that won't stop tomorrow. thanks for stopping by the website to anyone who visited during 2024, and please stick around for next year. see you soon!
